Environmental Injustice class at Bucknell University working with FOL

Friends, we need your participation!  Students from an Environmental Injustice class at Bucknell University would like to highlight the environmental injustice posed by the Keystone Sanitary Landfill on our community.  The link below will lead you to a document that requests that you take a photo and use your own words to describe it.  


When considering what to capture in your photos and descriptions, it could be helpful to consider such questions as: What are the various injustices Friends of Lackawanna seeks to stop or correct?  Why did you get involved with Friends of Lackawanna?  What motivates your community activism?  Who or what has been disproportionately impacted?


Please make sure to use the Photo Voice Template and also the Photo Consent Form if you have other people in your photo.  You can email your submissions to friendsoflackwanna@gmail.org.  The students will write a report and prepare a presentation at the end of the semester.  Thank you!