DEP grants Keystone Sanitary Landfill extension to provide info

January 9th, 2016

Keystone Landfill wants a 50 year expansion. That's crazy enough. But what's even crazier is that they are "surprised" DEP actually wanted to see the full set of engineering plans and studies. FOL was asked for our reply and our take is in the story:

“Four more months won’t magically make this a good idea,” said Dunmore resident Pat Clark, one of the grass-roots group’s leaders. “Four more months doesn’t change the fact that this mega dump sits in the middle of our community. And four more months of shining a light on this expansion will only continue to prove that the harms outweigh the benefits. So KSL can have as much time as it wants because no amount of additional time can make this expansion a good plan for the future, health or reputation of our area.”

Read the whole story at the link below and let us know your thoughts:…/dep-grants-keystone-sanitary-…